Our Commitment to Worksite Safety
Our commitment to health and safety and employee involvement is demonstrated by our health and safety council, which is composed of field employees along with our health and safety administrator. Our health and safety council routinely meets and reviews all relevant topics and collectively determines our ever-evolving focus and attention to the health and safety of our workforce.
Peters Construction Group recognizes our workers’ duty to identify hazards, and we support and encourage our employees to play an active role in identifying hazards and offering suggestions or ideas to improve our health and safety program. Active participation by everyone, every day, and in every job is necessary for health and safety excellence and is our expectation for every job site.
Every workplace, every job, has hazards. But when employees exercise their right to know, and employers fulfil their responsibility to tell and educate, the chance of being injured goes down and the health and safety of the workplace goes up. Our belief is that by implementing programs that support the right to participate in safety, we as a company are showing that we value the health, safety, and input of our employees.
It comes with great efforts and support that we at Peters Construction Group are proud to inform you that we have strategically aligned ourselves with the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA) and its COR program to ensure a safe working environment for our staff and customers.
A Certificate of Recognition (COR), presented and administered by the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA) in partnership with the Government of Ontario, is a nationally recognized standard for health and safety in the workplace.
Our mission is to improve our operating procedures to ensure our staff and the clients and communities we work in can feel confident that our highly trained staff can do the job as safely and proficiently as possible.
The COR program we are enrolled in is designed specifically for us here at Peters and will provide the resources and training that will help control and eliminate safety hazards in the workplace while completing high-risk activities.
Our focus is to maintain a standard of excellence throughout our operations, keeping our workers as safe as possible.